#saskedchat -Dec 20th, 2018

This week #saskedchat had a special Holiday Edition. The chat focused on sharing, caring, giving and goodwill towards others. The participants shared some great ideas and insights as we explored the following questions during the chat: As always, there was some great ideas and resources shared by participants. When it came to sharing resources participants…

Sharing – #saskedchat – Week 4 Summer Blogging Challenge

Sharing As parents, one thing that we have tried to impress upon on children is the importance of sharing, whether it is with siblings, friends, or other people, we have tried to help our children understand the importance of sharing while at the same time helping them to understand that they must be careful with…

Blogging as a Professional – Jan. 28th #saskedchat

  Blogging as a professional The January 28th #saskedchat explored Blogging as a Professional. Now, there has been a great deal written about the benefitsĀ of blogging and many connected professionals who do a great deal of blogging will attest to the benefits. Teachers who have a classroom blog discuss the many benefits to the process…

5 Ways to Empower Educators

Ever feel totally empowered? Like you could do anything? I know that when I feel this way, I sure can get a lot done, more than I thought was possible when I began. When I’m not empowered? I’m disengaged from the task or problem that I’m working on. Now this happens for a number of…