There are Positive possibilities…
There is possibility right in front of us if we but take the time to notice, to allow ourselves to slow down to see what might be, what we might become. Every day is a PD day. #myPDtoday
There is possibility right in front of us if we but take the time to notice, to allow ourselves to slow down to see what might be, what we might become. Every day is a PD day. #myPDtoday
How often have you asked the question? What about “How are you doing?” or one similar? How often have you listened to the response? Really listened. In the hustle and bustle of the day, we’re all very busy and such conversations are sometimes fillers as we politely listen to a reply. And there are those…
It’s about being curious and rediscovering wonder and awe and jumping in puddles!
Despite the massive amount of changes taking place in society, schools continue to resist. However a small number break free of the traditional classrooms, halls and desks to embrace different designs that permit students to engage and embrace learning and allow creativity, imagination, and collaboration to gain an equal footing with the traditional reading writing…
I read Justin Tarte’s post – I got in trouble for tweeting at work. As I read through it, I was reminded of my own experience and some of the frustrations that I have heard from others as they encounter resistance from others. First off, being connected in this context does not mean you are…
“Transition and change is difficult. It takes time.” How many times have you heard this? How many times has this been seen as an excuse for not changing? I know I’ve read more than a few blog articles about no longer accepting the “excuses” for not changing – there needs to be a change and…
Tonight an interaction between two tweeters has me wondering about the whole educational administration thing. See, right now I’m working in two different buildings, just finished a stint of 2 plus weeks of full-time teaching and am in the middle of sorting out some pretty interesting things that have been going on in different aspects…