MyPDToday Podcast

I’ve been working on the idea of a podcast for some time now and finally taken the time to do some planning and organizing to move from ‘idea’ to ‘action’. This isn’t the first time I’ve attempted to do a podcast. In the past, I’d get an episode or three completed but then the hectic…

Clarity – Light for Your Path

As I wrote about earlier this week, Clarity is of the key factors in continuous growth and development. As Robin Sharma said “Clarity proceeds success.” If you’re like me, you thought you understood what that meant until you really decided to be clear about a goal you wanted to achieve. Being Clear about Goals I…

The Power of Clarity for Continuous Growth

I just returned from a week away in the mountains of Banff, Canada with my wife. We spent time hiking, taking in a few of the different tours and just enjoying the sights and sounds of the area. A couple times we just spent a few hours at a coffee shop sipping a cold drink…

5 Key Factors for Continuous PD in a Busy World

Continuous personal and professional development is your key to the future Brian Tracy In today’s changing and shifting society, the idea that one needs to be consistently seeking to learn and grow as a person and a professional seems given. Yet, in discussing the idea of personal and professional development with people, I’m often struck…

The Stories We Tell Ourselves

“I’m already too busy.” “I worked hard today, I deserve it!” “It’s been a busy day, I deserve to relax!” “No one will read it anyway so why bother.” These are just some of the story starters I use myself to tell myself stories to justify things I do. Whether it’s that piece of pie…

It’s Time to Send

I’m learning that there is a limit to what you can do in a given time. I can’t do it all. I’ve watched friends around me slowly try to do more and more as the pressures of teaching during a pandemic continued to add to their list of things To Do. On top of that, they are feeling the pressure of a society that is, at this very moment, very divided and confused. Teachers, and many people, feel abandoned as they try to figure out how to best do their work while lacking personal safety and care. The mental and physical toll has been immense. In order to take care of myself, I have been working to develop habits that will ensure I can do my absolute best each day. I’m now at a point where it feels right to step back into this space.

It’s Okay to Share Your Work

It’s tempting to sit in the corner and then, voila, to amaze us all with your perfect answer. But of course, that’s not what ever works. Seth Godin The other day I gave a presentation in an undergraduate class about using social media in teaching. During the discussion, I was asked if students should continue to…

It’s in the Details

We do get bogged down by obstacles. They grab our attention. We spend time pondering how they got there. We even spend energy being angry about them. None of this is helpful. We have to look for the openings, choose well, and find our way around them.  Rob Hatch How often do you hear someone wishing they…