Each day we have the opportunity to reach out to others & show them we care for their well being. Each of us has the power to lift others through our actions & words. Focus on the essential & important. Every day is a PD day. #myPDtoday
When we share our Voice, we take a chance sending out a piece of ourselves without knowing how it will affect others. And that’s the beauty of it! Every day is a PD day. #myPDtoday
Blogging as a professional The January 28th #saskedchat explored Blogging as a Professional. Now, there has been a great deal written about the benefitsĀ of blogging and many connected professionals who do a great deal of blogging will attest to the benefits. Teachers who have a classroom blog discuss the many benefits to the process…
It was another amazing #saskedchat tonight. Dave Burgess dropped by at the start of the chat to get things going. @MrALongstaff and @brettReis then took over and guided the #saskedchat ship through a great chat focused on Teach Like a Pirate. The participants had some great ideas and suggestions for building relationships with students in…
Ever feel totally empowered? Like you could do anything? I know that when I feel this way, I sure can get a lot done, more than I thought was possible when I began. When I’m not empowered? I’m disengaged from the task or problem that I’m working on. Now this happens for a number of…