The Power of Dissonance

Dissonance – inconsistency between the beliefs one holds or between one’s actions and one’s beliefs. “Dissonance.” Dissonance makes us uncomfortable, whether it is notes that don’t go together or our own beliefs and actions that are not congruent, dissonance is uncomfortable. Each day we are surrounded by dissonance – on television, social media, the…

7 Questions to ask yourself as you prepare for a new school year.

As you stand at the back of the classroom, what are the possibilities that you envision that excite you and give you energy? What vision do you have for the school year? How can you make that vision a reality?

Classroom Design – Not everyone likes learning at Starbucks

I work at so many different places — kitchen table, living room, office, library, coffee shops. Some days I like the quiet while other days I listen to music or just like the sound of conversations around me. It really depends. Not all days are the same.

Balance – Is it really the Key to Life?

I want to thrive in all areas of my life. To do that I needed, I needed to reconsider many different things. The first was to rethink about how I was viewing what I was doing.