Who could You be?

If we are not willing to let go of ‘Who We Were’ we will not find out ‘Who We Could Be’ – we often fear that which brings change- that which pushes us to re-examine who we are. Every day is a PD day. #myPDtoday

Be Bold – Not Reckless…

The journey has begun and we have set off on a new course, drawing the map as we go. We don’t know where it will take us. We must make bold decisions without rushing recklessly into the unknown. Every day is a PD day.

Balance – Is it really the Key to Life?

I want to thrive in all areas of my life. To do that I needed, I needed to reconsider many different things. The first was to rethink about how I was viewing what I was doing.

Sharing – #saskedchat – Week 4 Summer Blogging Challenge

Sharing As parents, one thing that we have tried to impress upon on children is the importance of sharing, whether it is with siblings, friends, or other people, we have tried to help our children understand the importance of sharing while at the same time helping them to understand that they must be careful with…