Formative Assessment – #saskedchat

Formative Assessment – Key to Learning This week, #saskedchat will explore Formative Assessment – Key to Learning a topic suggested by Dawn Bick an elementary science teacher from Fishers, IN. Formative Assessment Formative Assessment has become an important part of classroom assessment, providing teachers with a variety of information to support student learning. One of…

#saskedchat Summer Blogging Challenge

Our topic this week is Supporting. Tribe, a post by Jana Scott Lindsay, has me pondering how do we support ourselves and, just as importantly, be part of a support system for others.

It’s Okay to Share Your Work

It’s tempting to sit in the corner and then, voila, to amaze us all with your perfect answer. But of course, that’s not what ever works. Seth Godin The other day I gave a presentation in an undergraduate class about using social media in teaching. During the discussion, I was asked if students should continue to…

You Know Enough – Now Start

Starting….. It’s hard. It requires taking that first step. Of following it with another. Of having to get back up if you fall down. Learning to walk is tough but small children soon learn all the complex steps in taking one step, then another, then another… then they’re running. Getting started on making change or…