Who could You be?

If we are not willing to let go of ‘Who We Were’ we will not find out ‘Who We Could Be’ – we often fear that which brings change- that which pushes us to re-examine who we are. Every day is a PD day. #myPDtoday

Be Bold – Not Reckless…

The journey has begun and we have set off on a new course, drawing the map as we go. We don’t know where it will take us. We must make bold decisions without rushing recklessly into the unknown. Every day is a PD day.

#saskedchat – November 15, 2018

This week #saskedchat did a bit of a stroll through the past as we explored some of the questions from past chats. Reaching back to 2015, we explored a variety of topics including classroom environment, assessment, technology, and teacher development.  Participants shared resources, anecdotes, and responded to the questions by sharing from their experiences in the…

It’s Okay to Share Your Work

It’s tempting to sit in the corner and then, voila, to amaze us all with your perfect answer. But of course, that’s not what ever works. Seth Godin The other day I gave a presentation in an undergraduate class about using social media in teaching. During the discussion, I was asked if students should continue to…

Go Ahead – Try It On!

Trying Things On I have a confession. I like to go shopping. Yeah, it’s a bit weird but I like to wander around stores and look at what’s new.  I use to enjoy going shopping with my girls when they were younger (and would let me go along!)  Now, my boys and I sometimes just…

It’s in the Details

We do get bogged down by obstacles. They grab our attention. We spend time pondering how they got there. We even spend energy being angry about them. None of this is helpful. We have to look for the openings, choose well, and find our way around them.  Rob Hatch How often do you hear someone wishing they…

Blogging as a Professional – Jan. 28th #saskedchat

  Blogging as a professional The January 28th #saskedchat explored Blogging as a Professional. Now, there has been a great deal written about the benefits of blogging and many connected professionals who do a great deal of blogging will attest to the benefits. Teachers who have a classroom blog discuss the many benefits to the process…

You Know Enough – Now Start

Starting….. It’s hard. It requires taking that first step. Of following it with another. Of having to get back up if you fall down. Learning to walk is tough but small children soon learn all the complex steps in taking one step, then another, then another… then they’re running. Getting started on making change or…