Summer Blogging Exposé – Week 2

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“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life.” Mary Oliver (Good Life Project)

Welcome to week 2 of the Summer Blog Exposé. If you haven’t done so, please take a moment to check out some of the post from last week.

Week 1 Blog Highlights

steamroller – a glimpse into how a teacher who is beginning their career gets involved and continues her learning. Oh, and she has some great reading suggestions!

Thouhgt it was a weed – an thought provoking piece about the need to get to know students as not all students bloom at the same time and require careful nurturing to blossom.

The Unexpected Lesson– Saying YES at an unexpected time can open doors to unexpected wonders and joy. Alana reminds us that sometimes we need to ‘Say Yes’!

Diving Into Summer Reading – Keeping with the theme of our first week, Laura outlines a number of books that she will be exploring this summer. Well worth exploring for some great suggestions.

Week 2 – Joy, Happiness, Fun

The theme for this week is Joy, Happiness, Fun. This was a theme of a recent #saskedchat. We explored the importance of Joy, Happiness, & Fun in schools and classrooms. There were so many great ideas and suggestions. It reminded me of some of the things Jonathan Fields discusses in his book How to Live a Good Life and the Good Life Project.

Schools today must meet the needs of a diverse student population. Regardless of the type of changes taking place or the myriad of information inundating schools, teachers know that relationships are foundational to what they do. The classroom needs to be a place of Joy, Happiness and Fun where students feel safe and accepted.

I invite you to explore this during the week. As we approach summer holidays here in Saskatchewan with only a few days of school remaining. In other jurisdictions, summer holidays have started. Here’s a few questions to think about for this week:

What were the Joys of this school year?

How did Happiness and Fun appear in the classroom and school through the year?

What did you notice about the year?

How would you change the classroom/school to encourage Joy, Happiness, and Fun?

How do teachers cultivate these in their classrooms?

What role do parents and community play?

Thank you to all who have decided to walk together this summer and share in the Summer Blogging Exposé.

Have an Edu-Awesome week!

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