And this is why…..

I’ve seen this a few time over the past week or so. I realize that we’re two decades or more into the technology integration phase in education. I know that we need to integrate technology and that, by now, this shouldn’t even be a discussion. But it is. And it will continue to be for…

The Padagogy Wheel – Thinglink! I first encountered the Padagogy Wheel a few months ago. I’ve been using it to help introduce and explain how iPads apps can assist teachers in creating authentic learning that provides a rich and deep learning experience. I found the discussion at The Padagogy Wheelhouse helped to clarify a ideas and concepts. In order…

iPad Thinglink

iPad Apps I was asked to gather some apps for iPads that I thought would be useful for teachers new to using iPads. I wasn’t sure exactly how I might do this so that it was accessible for a number of people, was concise, would provide basic information and allow of link. However,  I had…

Why Connect?

I read Justin Tarte’s post – I got in trouble for tweeting at work. As I read through it, I was reminded of my own experience and some of the frustrations that I have heard from others as they encounter resistance from others. First off, being connected in this context does not mean you are…