Do You Love Learning?
Do you love learning? How do we support teachers to cultivate their love of learning without overwhelming them to the point where they withdraw?
Do you love learning? How do we support teachers to cultivate their love of learning without overwhelming them to the point where they withdraw?
Change is difficult and it requires preparation and support throughout the process. “Get on the train or….” doesn’t really fit.
How can one person make a difference? What can educators do to make a difference?
Connecting students with the world is important but it can be somewhat daunting. The one thing we can’t do is continue to be quiet and avoid talking about these events.
Let’s talk about learning and change the story being told about schools.
Ever feel totally empowered? Like you could do anything? I know that when I feel this way, I sure can get a lot done, more than I thought was possible when I began. When I’m not empowered? I’m disengaged from the task or problem that I’m working on. Now this happens for a number of…
Is the focus on engagement off the mark?
Dealing with rejection helps us to be able to say “Yes” to ourselves more and more.
Do we sacrifice effectiveness on the altar of efficiency?
What’s motivates you and gets you fired up?