It’s Time to Send

I’m learning that there is a limit to what you can do in a given time. I can’t do it all. I’ve watched friends around me slowly try to do more and more as the pressures of teaching during a pandemic continued to add to their list of things To Do. On top of that, they are feeling the pressure of a society that is, at this very moment, very divided and confused. Teachers, and many people, feel abandoned as they try to figure out how to best do their work while lacking personal safety and care. The mental and physical toll has been immense. In order to take care of myself, I have been working to develop habits that will ensure I can do my absolute best each day. I’m now at a point where it feels right to step back into this space.

Who could You be?

If we are not willing to let go of ‘Who We Were’ we will not find out ‘Who We Could Be’ – we often fear that which brings change- that which pushes us to re-examine who we are. Every day is a PD day. #myPDtoday

Be Bold – Not Reckless…

The journey has begun and we have set off on a new course, drawing the map as we go. We don’t know where it will take us. We must make bold decisions without rushing recklessly into the unknown. Every day is a PD day.

#saskedchat – November 15, 2018

This week #saskedchat did a bit of a stroll through the past as we explored some of the questions from past chats. Reaching back to 2015, we explored a variety of topics including classroom environment, assessment, technology, and teacher development.  Participants shared resources, anecdotes, and responded to the questions by sharing from their experiences in the…