The Whole Child

My last post did garner some interesting discussion about attending conferences and the need for people to continue to pursue technology integration.  One of the comments, from Jen Wagner, captured what I was trying to get to in my post. I have to wonder if perhaps you are confusing the conference location with the conference…

In the moment!

One of my New Year’s Resolutions was to get myself back in shape. Like many people, I’ve allowed my life to become crowded with many different things and finding time to dedicate to myself hasn’t always been at the top of my to do list. On Plurk , one of the main places where my…

Face of a Teacher

I listened to Lisa Parisi and Maria Knee and Matthew Tabor discussing the public/private life of educators on the EdTechTalk weekly show podcast #19. The discussion revolved around what is a reasonable expectation for teacher deportment when they are away from their jobs and, given the expansion of education online and just the nature of access to information,…