
It’s my birthday today, November 13th. No. I wasn’t born on a Friday either.

As I mentioned a few posts ago, I do residential and commercial painting, during my many leisurely hours. Monday, which was an off day for us, was spent putting in a few hours painting some new Ready to Move homes that are being built in town. This new business venture has been a boom for our small community but, like in many areas, trades people have been hard to find so I’ve been enlisted to do help.

When I’m painting, I have quite a few hours to think about things of all sorts. It’s during this time that I contemplate how our School Improvement might look over the next few years or how our Code of Conduct will develop. I think about how we might engage a few of our students that are not interested or what we, as a community, can do for our youth. Today, during one of my less than deep moments, I thought about how the average person uses the browser and, on average, how many tabs they have open at any one time. (Hey, it was a long day;)

Now, I’ve found that I usually have about 10 tabs going at the same time as I keep tabs (ha ha ha) on various things. I have ClaimID, Pageflakes, iGoogle, school inbox, twitter, staff wiki, blog, admin wiki, planning wiki, class wiki and usually a news site open. Now, if someone has a twitter about a particular URL, I might check it out so the tabs could pile up. I do use delicious but I’m not very good at looking there. I’ve begun to reduce the number of tabs I keep open since it sometimes makes the browser become unresponsive when I awaken the laptop.

I also find that with my use of more online apps like Google docs, calendar and such, I have more tabs open as I add things to various places.

What’s your tab count? Do you find yourself with multiple tabs open at the same time? How do you track your tab use? Has it grown with the more online apps that you use?


  1. Reply

    Happy Birthday Kelly,
    My tab count is 11 right now, and that’s low… it will go down tonight after I delicious these two sites:
    but by the end of the week I’m usually up around 18-20, then I bring back down on the weekend.
    My problem is the tabs that stay open for over a week- things I really want to get to, but don’t find the time for. A perfect example is a blog post with great reference links that I know will just disappear into my delicious folder if I don’t take the time to look at them first. Like this for example:
    which stayed open for weeks and has disappeared into my much too large ‘LOOKintothis’ tag on delicious.
    – – –
    And now a quick aside: It sounds like your town could use a good apprentice program- Trades people hard to find/need to connect kids to the community… that’s 2 birds with one stone as they say:-)

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